The annual flagship HR event – HR-O-SCOPE’17 was organized by Team Utkarsh on 21st of January, 2017. The Theme for the conclave was “Emerging HR Trends and Innovative HR Practices”. This prestigious event witnessed the presence of highly privileged dignitaries starting from the keynote speaker Ms. Shuchi Chatterjee and our distinguished ?speakers and panelists Mr. Sanjay Jha, Mr. Devrajan. R, Mr. Melvin Mathias, Mr. Unmesh Rai ?and Mr. Amit Suman.

The one day event was filled with edifying speeches and panel discussion by the esteemed speakers and panelists. Along with some tantalizing pre-event activities viz Quizomania, Mannequin Challenge and Good to Great which was a bind of fun and knowledge that received participation from students of reputed institutes and corporates. The winners were awarded with prizes in the closing ceremony.