On the occasion of International Yoga Day, DSIMS invited Sister Neeraja from the Prajapita BrahmaKumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Malad Centre who delivered a session on ‘practicing Raja yoga Meditation and its benefits’. During this one hour session which was attended by all the faculty and staff members of DSIMS and other sister institutes of Rajasthani Sammelan, Sister Neeraja gave deep insights on the importance of Yoga in our lives.
In a very simple but influencing way she explained how in our modern world today, the pace of life is growing ever faster and we are losing touch with our true inner peace and power. Deriving analogies between a grounded and stable life to a “garden” and an unstable and directionless life to a “jungle”, sister Neeraja stressed on “Raja Yoga” as a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds.
Raja Yoga Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins. According to sister Neeraja the positive after effects of meditation helps us to respond to situations, rather than just reacting to them. We begin to live with harmony, we create better and happier, healthier relationships and change our lives in a most positive way. The session ended with a live demonstration of Raja Yoga Meditation which was very relaxing and soothing to our minds and senses.