Author: Dr. Sarita Vichore

Management education has evolved to suit the needs and requirements of the ever-changing and dynamic business world. The most important parameter for a business school is whether it is futuristic or not. Being futuristic is the utmost important parameter of a progressive business school. A...

The Student who enrolls in the program PGDM needs to be very clear about his goals and objectives. The training and teaching-learning for this program are through a trimester/semester pattern that is very dynamic and requires rigor. The selection process is meticulous and the students...

The present world is indeed the VUCA world that we are living in. We being a management institute with a global mindset, perceive this as an opportunity for training the best brains to be ready managers and future leaders. Being a professor helps me to...

The job market is hot, since the placement activities seem to be surging at the campuses of IIT’s and IIMs’. A thought comes to the mind about the corporates lining up for students in these premier institutes as compared to the others which at times...

Since DSIMS is determined to make leaders thru Management Education, it is but obvious that skilling the student through various initiatives captures the outcome. In this process of skilling, the Manager to be a leader some essential qualities that need to be inculcated through the...